We hope you don’t need our collision repair services too often, but when you do, we will do everything we can to make you our customer for life!

As a customer of Ogston’s Body & Paint, our expert technicians are always here to answer the questions that you have about taking care of what is probably the second biggest investment you ever made; your vehicle.

Taking Care of Your Car’s Finish

Taking care of your car’s paint finish doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Maybe you’re considering a professional detailing service like ours to clean both the interior and exterior of your car. Or maybe you’ll be doing most of it yourself: washing and waxing, vacuuming and touching up. Either way, our technicians are here to offer the advice you need.

What to Keep in Your Car for Emergencies

If you’ve never broken down in your car, consider yourself one of the lucky ones. But keep in mind luck has a tendency to run out, usually at the most inopportune times. Winter months and dark country roads seem to be when lady luck takes her vacation. Cold weather, road salt, and mud, ice and slush can all cause a plethora of surprises, even if you take excellent care of your car. If you have a medical emergency, call 911 without delay. When you have a mechanical emergency, never hesitate to call Ogston’s Body & Paint. We can put you in touch with the right people to take care of your problem.

Checking Your Oil, Tires, & Coolant

A word of caution: Always check your fluids and tire pressure when your car is cold (i.e. has not been running for at least one hour). Not only does temperature affect the level of fluids in your engine, but checking these levels could also lead to injury if you contact hot parts of the engine. If you are in any doubt, Ogston’s Body & Paint can answer your questions, or put you in touch with the people that can.

Selecting the Right Tire

Wearing sandals in the snow is not appropriate. Running shoes for a formal occasion would be very out of place. Just as proper footwear is important to your comfort and correct body alignment, appropriate tires are vital to affecting the overall performance and handling of your vehicle. If you are in any about the right thing to do, call us and we’ll make sure we point you in the right direction.


When it occurs, brake noise may be irritating. However, some sounds are a very normal part of brake operation, while others may indicate a problem. How can you know if the noise from your vehicle’s brakes is something to ignore or a problem to investigate? Bring it to Ogston’s Body & Paint and we’ll check it out for you.

Choosing a Mechanic

So how long ago did you last have your car in for service? That long, huh? Well, if you are procrastinating because you don’t know how to find a good mechanic, have no fear, we can give you some tips on how to find one. Regular maintenance is vital to an automobile’s reliability and resale value. Don’t just drop your car off at the corner gas station, do some research first. There is no substitute for a fully qualified technician when it comes to the health and safety of your vehicle. If you need help finding the right mechanic, let us know.

Please don't hesitate to contact us whenever you have a question!

Whether you're looking to set up a quote, ask a question regarding insurance, or just need answers, we're here to help!